Sabtu, 06 April 2019


CREATE A NEW FUTURE FOR ART BY ELIMINATING FORGERY WITH THE WORLD’S TOP ART INSTITUTIONS, COLLECTORS, AND GALLERIES. The art world is traditionally anything but transparent, and that’s where ArtCoin, an investor-driven collective, creates real change for investors. Guiding users through transactions using cryptocurrencies, ArtCoin enables investors to benefit from the increased security and transparency of the Smart Contracts platforms. By pulling together information that everyday investors normally can’t access, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct liaison between investors and the art industry.


High end art has outperformed both gold and the S&P. Artcoin is a token that will decentralize and open the art market for retail investors who can buy fractional parts of artworks such as Raphael, Van Gogh or Picasso. The network which will be working with the Artcoin is, called Artchain is based a real business model encapsulating the multi-billion art market by using proprietary technology, both hardware and software that will solve crucial problems, increase efficiency and prevent fraud in the art market as.
The value of each Artcoin will increase not merely due to networking effects (increase of network usage) but also due to fees charged for using the network with real-world utility of tracking the origin, verifying the authenticity and enabling the seamless transaction of timeless pieces of art among investors.
Artchain help to create a sustainable business model when solving and lowering of the transaction fees that make the tokens to increase in price due to the recurring and growing of the fees (buying of tokens to access and use the Artchain blockchain art gallery system). These fees shall be paid for transacting, securing, and verifying fine art on the Artchain platform. The token will also be supported by timeless pieces of art which can only be transacted in Artcoin. Thus, a Collateralized Coin Offering is also part of our package, as our coins will be supported by invaluable art pieces.


ArtCoin has implications that will reach all corners of the art industry. From individual collectors to large institutions, our authentication protocol is the perfect fit. Condition reports are simple and faster than ever before, and works can be tracked and traced with ease, functionalities that insurers and logistics companies can depend on. And individual artists are finally able to benefit financially from resales of their art.
Bitcointalk profil link:

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