Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) is the world's first virtual market. ICO Project Overview

We have long ceased to be surprised at the fact that we live in an era of incredible technology and unprecedented scientific discoveries. Medicine, space, physics, nanotechnology. All this globally though not always noticeably changes our life. And of course, one of the biggest and most socially significant achievements of the last decades was the Internet without which it is already difficult for us to imagine today.
Social networks, video games, instant messengers, cyber sport, various applications have absorbed the world. You can treat this differently, but Mankind is really going through a transition between our real world and the created digital worlds. Communication, entertainment, shopping in online stores. And a relatively new but very rapidly developing direction is the purchase of virtual goods, goods that do not exist in real life, only in digital worlds, but that are important for consumers spending most of their time on the Internet.
Despite the high demand for such products, there are certain problems that hamper the creation of a thriving market for branded virtual goods: the closure of ecosystems, the difficulty of licensing such products and the registration of transactions between brands and digital platforms due to inefficient processes and lack of trust, accountability and transparency.
The new global project BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) plans to solve these problems by creating an extensive network of cooperation between global brands and digital platforms. BLMP develops the world's first virtual B2B2C market, which encompasses the supply chain of virtual goods, including the creation, tokenization and origin of licensed virtual goods, and involves the use of a single epic crypto-currency to purchase and collect goods on all participating digital platforms such as video games, mobile games, virtual reality, augmented reality, gifts in social networks and firm emoji.
Brands will have the opportunity to evolve by improving control over partnerships and using blocking technology to control their intellectual property without hindrance.
And Digital platforms will be able to choose those licensed virtual products that will fit their ecosystem. With this flexibility, digital platforms will be able to rely on retaining existing revenues, assisting in retaining users and generating additional revenues from licensed products for sale that they choose.
Well, Clients will benefit from companies joining the BLMP network due to their ease of use because they will need to manage only one account that can be created on a digital platform of their choice without having to fully understand cryptographic wallets. Customers will be able to select their favorite digital platform to create an account, and then access this account on all other participating digital platforms. But more importantly, customers will benefit because they will be free to buy things they love, and in the virtual world.
You can not doubt the success of the project, because already today it has more than a thousand customers.Behind this promising project is a team of professionals and advisers who are confident in their goals and forces to implement the plan.
Do you like to play games? Or are you looking for a reliable investment project and want to become the owner of unique ERC 721 tokens? Yes Yes! In this project, each token is unique!
Remember the sensational game with crypt kittens? Where did each kitten have its own cost? So in the BLMP project everything is more global. It's a virtual market for everything that you can collect and buy on the Internet.
Join today! Do not miss the chance to be part of a huge promising ecosystem!
To get acquainted with the project, get acquainted with the team of creators and advisors, find out what brands the project is already working on, read about the development prospects and study the documentation on the links below:
Bitcointalk profil link:

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